Donor Recognition Display University of Vermont

Donor Recognition Display University of Vermont

The University of Vermont (UVM) had several goals in mind when it decided to build a new student center.

They wanted a new and exciting architectural “face” for the campus; a community-crossroads where students and faculty could gather in a dynamic, inspiring space; and a display that would represent UVM’s core values – environmental stewardship, equity, social justice and academic excellence.

When it came time to give thanks to those who made the Dudley H. Davis Student Center possible, maintaining those values was crucial. UVM wanted an architectural installation that was both timely and timeless – reflective of University’s long history and enlightened future.

Planned Legacy designed and built a display featuring two backlit vertical photomurals centered around 40″ LCD Integrated Recognition System.  The touch-screen display includes a speaker that auto-adjusts in relation to ambient noise and features modules including:

About UVM – With sections including President’s Welcome, Two Centuries of Excellence – a moving University timeline, Fast Facts and UVM in the News.

If Not For You: Donor Recognition – A searchable database of contributors to the University’s recently completed comprehensive campaign, and a How to Give section for those who would like to make future contributions.

To Make a Difference: UVM People – A video archive of outstanding UVM students and a section to nominate additional students.

FYI @ UVM – A current and future events calendar.

“The Planned Legacy interactive display is everything we hoped it would be,” said Jay Goyette, Director of Communications, Development and Alumni Relations at UVM. “A beautifully designed installation that’s compatible with the surrounding spaces, is very user-friendly, and attracts a lot of attention from visitors. We were very pleased with the entire project.”

To view an electronic demonstration of the UVM Integrated Donor wall, or for more information and to discover what Planned Legacy interactive donor walls, recognition displays and capital campaign promotion systems can do for your organization, please call Planned Legacy Toll Free at 1.866.882.3580 or e-mail [email protected].

Need additional inspiration or more ideas for your new donor wall or donor recognition project? Check out our donor recognition photo gallery.